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St. Rocco’s Premier Open Mic
November 4, 2023 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
St. Rocco’s Reading for the Dispossessed invites you to join us for our first ever Open Mic event, with readings from Kenning JP Garcia and Nancy Klepsch.
St. Rocco’s has been a curated invitational series since our inception in 2016. This is our first time hosting an Open Mic format, and we are limiting our sign-up to students. You are welcome to interpret the word student as you see fit, but as a general rule, “the school of life” does not count–we are looking for students at universities, colleges, and high schools to come and share their voices and perspectives.
Gather at 4pm to sign up. Readings begin promptly at 4:30pm.
At MidKnight Eats in Centennial Hall at the College of Saint Rose.
About our Featured Readers
Kenning JP Garcia will read a welcome poem before we begin.
Nancy Klepsch will give a featured reading at 5pm.
Kenning JP GarcĂa is an Afro-Absurdist diarist, humorist, performer, and tragedian . Xe is the author of OF: What Place Meant (West Vine Press), With (Really Serious Literature), Ghost Notes (Spiral Editions), and Suffused (If and Only If Press). Xe is an editor at Rigorous and Dream Pop Press, and a founding member of St. Rocco’s Poetry Collective.
Nancy Klepsch is a poet and teacher who was born in Brooklyn, NY, and currently lives in Upstate NY. She has been writing poetry since she was in the fourth grade and decided to go to college after watching her mother type envelopes for a penny a piece in the late 60s. She studied education at College of Saint Rose, co-hosts the 2nd Sunday at 2 open mic for poetry and prose, and is one of the founders of Riverside Community Press. god must be a boogie man is her first published book of poems.